People, any prayer request? FOR everyone information, our PRAYER WARRIOR is RACHEL. *clap clap* However, since she is very busy with her training, when she is not around JG aka MONKEY KING will take over. *CLAP CLAP* So if anyone have any prayer request can directly send a sms to JG aka MK or write it down here.
Do not be shy. If you think you are shy to sms JG aka MK you can send it to someone you want to help you. Prayer is the best weapon! You got sickness? Doctor cannot heal? Ceh.. Pray larr.. God is the Healer! No worries!
You can write down your prayer down here too!
Now we shall pray for SPM and da PMR
1. Sheng Jian
2. Ying Yi
3. Joshua
4. Joel Chan
5. Sheng Hui
and so on.. I can't remember everyone. If you have any frens having exam pray for them yea!